Welcome! If you’re here, we’re assuming you or a loved one have been fit with Peli Lens training prisms. You’re on your way to experiencing more visual awareness.

The more effort you put into practicing and using your training prisms, the more you’ll get out of them. We created this page for just that reason – to help you get the most possible benefit out of your training prisms.

If you like the training prisms, you’ll love full-power prisms because they offer almost double the benefit.

If you have questions, we encourage you to reach out to your doctor first. But we’re here to help if you need more.

Table of Contents

Printable Instruction Guide

Our printable guide gives you the highlights of what you need to know about using your training prisms.

It also includes a lens tracing area – if your doctor did not perform a lens tracing, we highly recommend you do this immediately so that if your prisms fall off you can reattach them.

Using Your Training Prisms

When to Use

Training prisms are ideal for situations when you are mobile, like shopping and walking, but not as helpful for stationary activities like like reading or watching tv. 

How to Use

To use your training prisms, look between the prisms not through the prisms.

As you look past the prisms, motion and contrast from your blind side will appear in your seeing side. The prisms help you become aware of objects in your blind side so that you can turn to look at those objects.

This is particularly important in situations where you are mobile and must detect potential obstacles to avoid them. 

Cleaning and Caring for Your Prisms

Do not remove prisms from your glasses for cleaning.

To care for your training prisms, use the procedure below. If the prisms become discolored or detached due to prolonged use, it’s time for full-powered prisms.

  1. Rinse your glasses lenses under a gentle stream of warm running water. If contaminants remain after rinsing, use a soft bristle brush like a toothbrush to gently clean the grooves of the prisms.
  2. Pat or blot dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Training with Your Prisms

Training exercises are meant to help you get the most benefit from your prisms. Studies have shown that spending as little as 20 minutes a day performing the exercises below dramatically increases your ability to detect information on your blind side. 

We recommend practicing with your prisms in situations where you will wear them frequently such as: grocery shopping, walking your dog, golfing, going to the mall, etc.


Since your prisms are designed to be used in situations where you will be mobile, it’s important to practice walking so you can adjust to how items in your missing visual field will appear in your existing visual field.

Be sure to do this in a safe space and to have someone on hand to help you.

Begin by walking in an area free of impediments to your mobility. As you become more adept at walking with prisms on, practice moving around areas with obstacles. This will help you learn how to detect obstacles and avoid collisions.

Turn and Look

Turn and look exercises help you differentiate where an object actually is versus where it appears with your prisms on.

It’s best to have someone help you with this exercise but you can do it on your own if needed. 

With a buddy: Look at your companion’s nose through the prisms as they bring their hand into your blind field. When you see their hand, turn to look while pointing at it. Have your buddy do this at various high and low positions to test the field expansion offered by both the top and bottom prisms. 

On your own: While wearing prisms, practice looking at objects as you detect them through the prisms.

For example, standing near a place like your pantry or medicine cabinet, practice turning and looking at a particular item when you notice it through the prisms. Make sure to do this for high and low objects so you can practice using the full range of your prisms.

Reach and Touch

Reach and touch training helps improve hand-eye coordination while wearing the prisms.

To practice with a buddy, look at their nose while they move their hand into your blind field. While remaining focused on their nose, point to and touch their hand as you detect it through the prism.

To practice alone, reach and touch objects as you detect them through the prisms.

For example, if you are using your pantry or medicine cabinet, while remaining focused on a single point straight ahead, reach out and touch an item as you detect it through your prisms.

Reattaching Training Prisms

If your training prisms fall off, you can reattach them yourself in most cases. If you need some guidance, please feel free to contact us.

With Lens Tracing

If you have the lens tracing from your doctor, reattaching the prisms is pretty straightforward. 

  1. Place your glasses facedown on the lens tracing
  2. Align the edge of your frames with the tracing
  3. Reapply the prisms onto your glasses overtop the corresponding image on the lens tracing  
  • Be sure to apply prisms to back of your glasses lenses (i.e. the inside surface closest to your eye)
  • Prisms should always point to your ear 

Without Lens Tracing

If you do not have the lens tracing, it may still be possible to reattach prisms on your own.  

Print the first page of the Peli Lens instruction guide. This contains a grid that will help you reapply the prisms. 

To reattach your prisms: 

  1. Take a picture of yourself looking directly at the camera while wearing your glasses. Your pupil is the reference point for prism placement.
  2. Place your glasses facedown on the appropriate side of the paper.
  3. Approximate your pupil position from the picture with the black dot on the grid that’s between the two prisms on the page.
  4. Apply your training prisms. Make sure they line up with the prisms on the page and that the arrow is facing the correct direction.
  • Be sure to apply prisms to back of your glasses lenses (i.e. the inside surface closest to your eye)
  • Prisms should always point to your ear 

Learn More about Full-Power Prisms

Full-power Peli Lens prisms offer almost double the expansion of training prisms, allowing you to increase your ability to detect obstacles and notice more contrast and motion.

Our single-lens option now makes it even easier to use the full-power Peli Lens.

Using our patent-pending SLAM technology, we embed 2 or 3 small magnets into your frames that allow you to attach a single lens when you need field expansion and easily take it off when you don’t.

The full-power single Peli Lens offers:

  • Staying Power: our Peli SLAM solution stays put despite being shaken or jostled
  • Durability: designed to last for years to come, the Peli SLAM is highly durable and can be used even if your prescription changes
  • Comfort: a single lens weighs less than all other options, offering the most comfortable solution
  • Portability: measuring less than the size of a business card, the Peli SLAM is super easy to take with you
  • Convenience: the included compact carrying case makes it easy to keep your lens on hand
  • Flexibility: wear the Peli SLAM lens when you need it, remove it when you don’t
  • Aesthetics: magnets can be embedded into nearly any frame, letting you select a style that fits your preferences best

Want some more good news? You can continue to use the single Peli Lens even if your prescription changes (provided you retain your original frames). This makes the Peli SLAM the most cost-effective solution in the long run.

Peli SLAM Style Examples

Full-Power Single-Lens Gallery

Other Full-Power Options

While we recommend the single-lens solution for almost everyone, we can install the Peli Lens into other frame types.

Ready to Get Full-Power Peli Lens Prisms?

When you’re ready to get full-power prisms, just ask your doctor! They can write a prescription for the full-power single lens solution.

We’re happy to help them with filling in the order form if needed. (Sadly, as a wholesale lab, we cannot offer direct-to-patient ordering.)

Peli Lens Resources

Want more information about how the Peli Lens works? Below are links to pages about how the Peli Lens works, driving with the Peli Lens, and using the Peli Lens for improved mobility.

Did we miss something? Let us know if you have any questions and we’ll be happy to assist you however we can.

How the Peli Lens Works

An overview of the concept, the science behind the Peli Lens, and its real-world application.

The Peli Lens for Driving

Visit this page to learn more about the Peli Lens for driving and considerations to take into account.

The Peli Lens for Mobility

Learn more about using the Peli Lens for mobility so that your patients can better navigate their world.

Where to Find a Doctor

Need helping finding a doctor to fit and prescribe the Peli Lens? We’ve got you covered. Just contact us and we’ll help you find the closest doctor to you.