Clip-On and Fitover Solutions for Color Vision Deficiency
The Lens Technology
Chemistrie Color was developed by color scientists to specifically enhance the colors most challenging to patients with red-green or blue-yellow color vision deficiency.
Instead of relying on heavy red or pink tinted lenses, Chemistrie Color provides patients with the truest possible discernment of color and enhances genuine color vision. Each severity level works for protan, deutan, or tritan color vision deficiency without requiring separate lens colors.
Chemistrie Color can fit over an Rx but is not available as an Rx lens.
Seeing Color in a New Light
Using the latest in color vision technology, Chemistrie Color lenses help your patients see color like never before. Use our simulation tool below to compare normal vision with different color vision deficiencies.
Lens Color Options
Lenses are available in three color options depending on your patients’ needs and the severity of their color deficiency.
A – Indoor
Indoor lenses are the lightest solution and are suited primarily for indoor use.
B – Outdoor Moderate
Outdoor Moderate lenses are medium-colored and suited for indoor use for patients with light sensitivity and for outdoor use.
C – Outdoor Severe
Outdoor severe is the darkest lens option available and is suited for outdoor use for patients with light sensitivity.
Lens Fit Types
Chemistrie Color lenses are available as custom-made Chemistrie clip-ons or ready-made fitovers.
Clips-ons use Chemistrie technology to attach custom-made clip-ons using micro magnets embedded in the primary Rx lens.
Clip-ons can be made to fit almost any frame your patient wants.
Some benefits of clip-ons include:
- Base curve matched: available in 2, 4 and 6 base curves custom-fit to patient RXs
- Lightweight: made from ultra-thin polycarbonate lens material
- Anti-Reflective Coating: reduces unwanted glare
To order, please contact us.
Want a quick, easy way to get Chemistrie Color lenses into your patient’s hands asap? We’ve got you covered.
Our ready-made fitovers are a handy way to help your patients address their color vision deficiencies. Available in the same color options as clip-ons, fitovers offer the best combination of value and convenience.
Click below to see available fitover frames. You’ll be taken to Tech Optics International, the off-the-shelf division of Chadwick.
How to Order
Once you know which color is best for your patient (A, B, C), you can order clip-ons by contacting us.
Please note that our colorblind lenses are not Rx *but* we can make clip-ons that fit over your patient’s existing Rx frames.
Chemistrie POP Display
The Chemistrie Color Point of Purchase Display Includes:
- 3 sample frames with Chemistrie Color lenses in each of the 3 Chemistrie Color strengths.
- Two ready-made styles and one frame with a clip sample.
- A sample of the Chemistrie Color packaging.
- Registration card for inclusion on the Chemistrie Color Retailer Locator.
- Lens testing image for patients to experience Chemistrie Color. Best viewed in natural light or a well-lit area.
Get the Trial Lens Kit
Need a compact solution for testing Chemistrie Color lenses? We designed our trial kit for clinics and offices with space constraints. It’s not pretty but it’ll get the job done.
The kit includes:
- 3 Trial Lenses (A – Indoor, B – Outdoor Moderate, and C – Outdoor Severe)
- 2 Color Cards
- Instructional Pamphlet
Click here to get the kit. You’ll be redirected to our low vision division, Tech Optics International, where you can order your kit.
If you’re from a VA, we may be able to offer you the kit on consignment. Just give us a call at 800-410-1618 or click here to request a kit.