Welcome to the Peli Lens Training Resource Center. On this page, you’ll find the materials we’ve developed for you to help your patients learn to use the Peli Lens.

Supplementing Peli Lens peripheral prisms with vision training and therapy sessions has been shown to dramatically improve the patient’s recognition and understanding of the expanded visual field. Your patient should expect to spend 15-20 minutes a day training at home to maximize their results.

Don’t see something you need? Give us a shout. We’re here to help you in any capacity we can.

When to Use the Peli Lens

The Peli Lens is designed to be worn as a mobility device. It is important that the patient have the opportunity to choose when to wear the lens.

The peripheral prisms can hinder patients during certain activities such as reading, computer use, and watching TV. Fitting peripheral prisms on a pair of glasses the patient wears all the time is not advised.

Peli Lens Use & Training Instructions

You can read our training instructions below, watch our training video, or download the Peli Lens Fitting Guide which includes in-depth information on training.

Using the Peli Lens with Your Patient

It is very important that your patient look between the prisms to get the benefits of the expanded visual field. Looking directly through the prism will cause double vision. This is undesirable.



Demonstrate Field Expansion to Your Patient

Tell the patient to focus on your nose, and to tell you when they see your hand come into view.

Starting from past the shoulder on the patient’s blind side, wiggle your fingers and move them in towards the patients nose. For horizontal prisms, the expanded field will be slightly below or above the midline. For oblique prisms, the expanded field will be along the midline. 

When the patient sees the hand, tell them to point to your hand, and then find your hand in central vision. Often times, the patient will point to your face, because that’s where they see the image of your hand in their visual field.

Demonstrating Field Expansion

The Importance of Training & Recommended Exercises

When first worn, peripheral prisms create a certain level of visual confusion. The patient tries to distinguish what information is in their blind field and what information is in their seeing field. The goal of training is to minimize this confusion. A pilot study done at Schepens Eye Research Institute showed patients to be 95% accurate in distinguishing the confusing images after just six one-hour training sessions in their driving simulator.

Reach and Touch Training

While the patient is fixating on your nose, reach your hand into the patient blind side and have the patient grab at your hand as they detect it through the prism. This should also be practiced at home with a loved one or by one’s self.

In a vision therapy or occupational therapy setting, many doctors or therapists will set up a reach and touch program on a Sanet Vision Integrator or similar reach/touch device.

Training Walk 

Lead your patient from uncluttered areas such as a hallway to progressively cluttered areas such as a waiting room filled with chairs as potential obstacles. Constantly ask your patient to report his/her observations.

Peli Lens Resources

Want more info on how the Peli Lens works, driving with the Peli Lens, and how the Peli Lens aids with mobility? Check out the resources below.

How the Peli Lens Works

An overview of the concept, the science behind the Peli Lens, and its real-world application.

The Peli Lens for Driving

Visit this page to learn more about the Peli Lens for driving and considerations to take into account.

The Peli Lens for Mobility

Learn more about using the Peli Lens for mobility so that your patients can better navigate their world.

Need More?

If you need advice about a specific case or just want some extra assistance, give us a call. We’re happy to offer advice on training with the Peli Lens.