Progressive/PAL/No-line bifocal measurement

With the patient gazing straight ahead into the distance, mark the center of the pupil. The distance from the lowest point on the frame to the center of the pupil in millimeters is the fitting height.

pal height

Progressive Measurement

Lined Trifocal measurement

With the patient gazing into the distance, mark the lower edge of the pupil. The distance from the lowest point on the frame to the lower edge of the pupil in millimeters is the fitting height.

trifocal height
Trifocal Measurement

Lined Bifocal measurement

With the patient gazing into the distance, mark the lower edge of the iris. The distance from the lowest point on the frame to the lower edge of the iris in millimeters is the fitting height.

Bifocal Fitting Height

Bifocal Fitting Height